Research Methodology
Research Methodology A. What examples are there of historians who have researched this theme/topic/event (list and provide references to at least three historians, and at least one of their respective publications/books/articles)? i) S.F. Mason “Science and Religion in the 17th Century England” ii) William H. Austin “Isaac Newton on Science and Religion” iii) Michael Hunter “Science and Society in Restoration England” B. What type of historical sources did they use in their research? i) S.F. Mason is a historian who discusses developments of science and ties to religion in “Science and Religion in the 17th Century England. Mason uses books and articles from other historians on similar topics to help formulate viewpoints and ideologies. This includes credible works scientists and academics. His attention is on subjects prior to and during the Stuart era. Focusing primarily science such as astronomy and mechanics and the relation with science and religion over time. ...